Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cool Things I Found While Laying in Bed

Since my stroke back in April, I've been watching a lot of TV (yuck) and reading. Sometimes I do find things that make me go "Hmmm....that's kinda cool" and I write down the info or bookmark it. Here's a few of them that I thought you might enjoy :)

Hot Mama Gowns
Now, why didn't I get one of these back in 2002 when I was pregnant with my last little guy?! They look so fun and comfy and a great alternative to the ugly hospital gown. They come in your size (pre-pregnancy) and you can wear them at the hospital during labor and delivery and afterwards too!!

They snap open in back and are made to use while breastfeeding! What a great baby shower gift these can be!

                              This is the Antoinette Gown and you can buy them
                             here at

"Do you have an increasing supply of practically new lipstick in a drawer because they are not the right color?

Do you ever notice all of the lipstick left in the end of the tube and wish there was a convenient way to use it?

Have you ever needed to repair a broken or melted lipstick?

The Original LipStix ReMix System includes a patent pending lipstick mold that provides an affordable and easy way to mix your lipstick and create a new professionally shaped lipstick in just minutes."
I am definitely going to purchase one of these kits, because this often happens to me!! My favorite lipstick shades are discontinued or they break, agghhh. This way I can even mix my own shades. You can get your own kit at

                   Now this is REALLY cool and why didn't they have these when I had my daycare!! AGGHHH!! But here they are now. The Coverplay! A slipcover for your pak n' play. Pure Genius.
These are cute, stylish and affordable. But best of all WASHABLE!!! Perfect for your pak n' play.

You can find them at

So there you go, some of my favorite things. Go check them out. What are some of the things you have found that make your life easier or solve life's little problems? Have you come up with some product or service that makes life easier?
Tell me in the comments section.

Disclaimer: I have not been compensated in any way for endorsing the above products. These are just products I found and thought I'd share with you out of the "goodness of my heart" ;)

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