Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Town-McKinney, Texas

Mac Town Representin'!!! Kate over at is doing a link up of all our towns and I am here to represent our town McKinney, Texas! What's so great about my town you ask? Well let me show ya! Historic homes:  The Faires House The Taylor House Dulaney House Bevel House All these homes are in the historic section of Chestnut Square in Downtown McKinney. (they even have ghost tours!) You can read all about them here>> Chestnut Square McKinney is located 30 minutes north of downtown Dallas and offers major shopping centers and restaurants with all the modern conveniences of life. But what I enjoy the most is its downtown charm and quaint antique shops. My most favorite shop and one you'll read about a lot here on my blog is The Antique Company Mall You can find so many treasures on any given day from old typewriters to vintage toys to vintage wedding gowns, they've got it all! Historic downtown also offers upscale boutiques not found anywhere el...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pink and Cupcakes

Sometimes we just like to go try new things like so last week we went here because we'll try anything once but one look at all the pink and the little guy refused to eat any of the cupcakes, go figure. The fact that they had this in the middle of the place didn't help any either It's really very cute you see, in this carriage, you can add sprinkles to your cupcakes. I added some to mine. It was hard deciding which kind of cupcake to pick, so I took the special buy 4 get one free. Now the big question is, are they better than the ones I make at home? The answer from my boys was a big "No, Mom, yours are better, let's save our money next time!" So there you have it. My boys prefer Mom's homemade cupcakes. It was nice for this Mom to go to a place with lots and lots of pink and for my boys to indulge Mom with a nice relaxing evening out and while they ate their pizza I ate my cupcake with this my Starbucks milk- based mint- chocolate chip cold drink. I do...
Monday, August 29, 2011

Super Saturday {Back to School Mayhem}

Nope. Not the most wonderful time of the year for me. Back to school means chaos and stress. Money and more money to spend. On supplies, clothing, band supplies and more school supplies. Pretty soon picture days, fund raisers,field trips and now after school care. source The hubster got a full time job which we're happy and thankful for. But now he does not have the flexibility he used to have as a self employed person. Which means the little guy has to spend even more time at school :( The first day did not go well. The little guy had a headache and let EVERYONE know that he had one.(yikes) I told him that the situation  had changed and that we all had to make adjustments. He understands now. The hubster will pick him up on his day off during the week and my oldest will too. Which means we'll be paying for the full week and he'll get to go to after school care maybe 3-4 days a week. But it's ok, since it means this Momma gets peace of mind when there is a thundersto...
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thankful Thursdays {Trials and Sorrow}

We've all heard the phrase "Life's not fair!" and it's usually coming from one of our kids or maybe it's coming from our own mouths {yikes!} But why ISN'T life fair? Why didn't God make everything so that we didn't have to suffer? Why didn't he love us enough so that we'd have an easy life  where we didn't have to work, or hurt, or cry? These are the questions I USED to ask, before I knew God. When I was about 21 years old I was a very angry young woman. I was so angry that I turned that wrath towards God. Or rather the myth that I thought God was . In my mind, since God allowed his children to suffer meant that God did not exist. God, and the Bible, for that matter, were made up. Figments of man's imaginantion. This made me feel better inside. I was no longer a sheep following along the "myth". But something oddly peculiar happened to me once I had a kid. You see, I was convinced that I was NOT going to perpe...

We Have A Jafra Winner!!!

Ding, Ding, Ding!!! Kim D. said... I follow with GFC (Kim). #1 mom22girlz at ymail dot com August 23, 2011 7:32 PM You are the winner!! Please contact me with your mailing information so I can ship your prize out to you at salmar70atgmaildotcom! Congrats! And come back for next month's giveaway ;) You can see the link >>> here  where it shows it picked comment #5  
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Super Saturday {I Can't Believe He's Not 8)

Yep. He's nearing the double digits. Nooooooo!!!!! Today my baby celebrated his 9th birthday. And boy did we CELEBRATE! This boy loves the ARMY. Ever since he was a baby, (wasn't that YESTERDAY?!) he's always wanted to be a soldier. Well today he can be. His theme is the Army. And Camo. And guns. Lots of guns. And as you walked in our front door you were extended a hearty and because partying is one must strike a serious pose Everything had to be decorated just so  and ready for the guests to check in :) of course all soldiers need their helmets and canteens and don't forget the We also had to make our own that consisted of hot dogs and chips that our brave little soldiers could chow down in this snazzy And a party is just no fun without boys and They are so much fun I had to try my hand at them of course we had to decorate the rest of the house to lend to the ambience of the Army and after all the soldiers had reported for duty and were duly outfit...

Foodie Fridays {Muddy Apples}

I've lost count of which Foodie Friday this is All I know is that I've got a  and that my sweet baby boy is turning 9 today! NINE!!! ((SNIFF, SNIFF)) He's no longer a baby.. So for his birthday party I am preparing him some yummy treats! these are oh-so-simple-to make and are my variation to candy apples. And since my little guy's theme tomorrow will be all about the army, well this just fits right in. First you're going to need some apples, popsicle sticks, chocolate for melting, food coloring, wax paper, ribbon and cello paper (these last two only if you're going to give these away) First let me tell you that I love getting the type of meltable candy that comes in a tray and you microwave it. It's oh so easy to clean up. And who doesn't love easy? I simply took one tray and colored the white chocolate green. I wanted the muddy apples to have "grass stains" Then I just melted the dark chocolate and smothered it all around the apple. I stuc...


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