Friday, November 28, 2014

Preparing For Life's Ups and Downs

Happy Thanksgiving to all my lovely readers. We had a wonderful time going out to eat at our favorite resort up in Lake Texoma. What a blessing it is to spend our time with our friends and loved ones. I am especially thankful that I am here to make new memories. As you may have read before, 3 years ago I suffered a pretty serious brain injury. You can read about it here. Needless to say, I am quite cognizant of our limited time we may have with our loved ones. {my granddaughter and I} I am also here to share with you that setting up an emergency fund should be a top priority in everyone of our lives.  An emergency fund can help us get through the rough times, such as when we experience a medical emergency, lose our job, or face an unexpected expense.  Several years ago, I opened an emergency account and had my employer take $50 out of each paycheck and put it into that account thru direct deposit. Having that $50 each paycheck go towards an...
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Recipe: Caramel Popcorn and Halloween 2014

I had a hankerin' for some good ole' fashioned caramel popcorn and this easy recipe did NOT dissapoint. Here's what you'll need: I medium bowl of plain popcorn (microwave or air popped) 1/2 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons of light corn syrup dash of vanilla  12 large marshmallows I used my air popper to pop the corn.   T hen I melted my butter in a saucepan.  I added the rest of the ingredients and mixed them while stirring. Lastly, I added the marshmallows and melted them into the mixture. Immediately pour it on the popcorn and using a spoon coat all the popcorn. Transfer to a glass baking dish and enjoy!!  Sinfully gooey and delicious!! And last but not least, here are a few pics of my last minute Halloween decorations. First up my  mantle.  The stencils for the wood blocks were cut with my new Cricut Explore which I absolutely love!! The cat face was also cut with the ...


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