Thursday, February 26, 2009

Preserving precious memories

So I was going thru some old photo albums last night when I got the idea that I should scan all these old photos and save them onto disc. I want my children to have all these precious memories of their parents when they grow old, and maybe our grandchildren too. So I am up late scanning each photo, when I get the idea that I should make it into a little slideshow/movie and add some of the songs Sergio and I danced to when we were dating. So I am doing this as a family project. I tell ya scanning is a long and laborious process. In the not too distant past I had inquired about a business where people pay to have a rep scan their photos. I figured there have to be others like myself. I contacted the person who had the website up but I don't know....I don't know if I want to invest the money, (it's about $100) to join and then what if noone is interested? They have a scanner thats scans super fast, and basically people come over, pay me and I would scan all their photos for th...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fun Day and Free Ikea Bed

Today was such a fun day. I decided to paint the boys' dresser and make it look more grown up. The reason for this: I finally scored some free bunk beds!! YAY! They are from Ikea and we also got a free twin mattress. Which we really needed to put on one of the bunks. A nice couple in Frisco posted them on the Frisco Online website (you have to check it out here go to the Forums section and then FOL Community Exchange) This is great because poor Aaron has been sleeping in his toddler bed! I know, he's tiny but he has been ready for a big boy bed. So hopefully when my mother moves out next month Josh can move into his own room and we can get HIM a larger bed too. Now on to find some snazzy new drawer pulls and some bedding and curtains! I will post pics of the "new" room soon.
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Trip to Mexico

Last Saturday we travelled down to South Texas to visit Sergio's parents. His mom had a bad fall and was in pretty bad shape. Both his parents are elderly and Sergio had been really wanting to go down there and spend some time with them, but his business schedule just didn't let him do that. Until now. His business has been slowing because of the economy and we could finally make the trip. It was nice to have my kids spend time with their grandparents. Also, I keep forgetting how slow paced life is in South Texas. It's not all hustle and bustle like up here. I kind of miss that. We also visited with my (half) sister in Mexico. We ate some great food and had some laughs. I love spending time with her. She's such a fun person. While we were there Sergio spent some time in his grandfather's garage. Since his passing it is his dad's garage now and the kids had fun tinkering around with all the old tools. Aaron immediately found some very heavy bricks and started to ...


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