You know that dreaded day! The day you have to do the laundry/clean the house/de-hazard the fridge! I hate that day!! (and many times it's DAYS with an S). I know I am not alone in that boat. We both know we'd rather be out shopping or lazying around in our pajamas doing nothing but stuffing our faces with bon bons watching Oprah {HA!!! like that's ever going to happen, right?} Well over the past few months as I silently cursed reflected upon such dreaded chores, I came to a conclusion: Make lemonade out of lemons! Hello!! Why not turn my most dreaded chore-LAUNDRY-into something semi pleasurable (read: bearable). So I thought about all the gorgeous laundry rooms I have seen in decorating mags and blogs and set out to make mine look just like theirs. Well, let's just say it's still a work in progress :( Except today I decided to finish up the first half. I used a few things around the house. My intention was to make it as fresh and pretty as a spring day :) I d...
11 hours ago