Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to Make A Boho Flower Head Piece

 Since I have my baby granddaughter now,  I am always looking for cute things to make for her. And since I run a photography business, I can always use them later when she outgrows them. Last night I was in a creative mode and as I was gathering up some flowers from a vase I was planning to sell, a thought came into my mind: make something out of these flowers! I have seen many of the cute, boho, flower head pieces and I thought it would be fun to make my own. First I gathered all my things: assortment of flowers thin wire floral wire floral tape wire cutters scissors ribbon  You also need some wire cutters if your flowers are tough to cut thru.  Wire used to fasten the flowers to the ring. First, I removed the flowers from the stems.  I then took the floral wire and cut it to size according a little hat I bought for my grand daughter. I shaped it into a circle Then I arranged the flowers around the wi...
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Farmhouse Style and Decor on a Dime

I've got spring fever!  Yep, I have so many ideas swimming around in my head, I can't sleep.  Sigh. If only I had unlimited time and funds HA! Whenever I do get any ideas, I have to write them down or type them into my ipad notes.   And I have to remind myself that I don't have to have lots of moolah to make my house nice.  I start thinking about what I can repurpose or knock off! I've had many knockoffs. Do you remember these: CB2 knock off mirror CB2 Clock See what I mean? Just be resourceful. Now onto the vintage sofa recover dilemma. Yes, dilemma. It all started innocently enough. Me trying to be brave and create a beautiful sofa. Well it went pretty good until the seats. Yep. My mom was trying to help and recover the seats but upon removal of the fabric she discovered that the seats had a frame and springs in them!! Sooooo, I'm going to have to go to an upholstery place to see if they can do them. So right now we're...
Monday, March 10, 2014

You're Almost Out Of Time-Healthcare Law

In 2011 I suffered a major traumatic event. Being in the hospital sure woke me up as to the importance of having healthcare. With the new healthcare law all of us Americans can have adequate coverage for our entire families. However, we are running out of time. It is very important that if you haven't signed up for healthcare coverage, that you do so before March 31st.  Consumer Reports has put together a wonderful site to help guide us all during this confusing time. I know I was overwhelmed at the amount of information available regarding the healthcare law. Now you can get guidance from one of America's truly unbiased organizations-Consumer Reports. They have compiled helpful info in both English and Spanish.  Here are three reasons you should sign up before March 31st: Three Reasons You Should Sign Up for Obamacare Before March 31… The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has brought major changes to health insurance for consumers. Yo...


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