First of al l, let me say thank you to those o f you who have commented, sent me e -mails and pri v ate messages regarding my last post. I really appre ciate your kind words and advice. I am still dealing with "it" a s b est as I can withou t resorting to medication. Howe ver, if it comes to that, my doctor and I will try different meds to see wha t works best. But wit h me a t a new ish job, I am leer y of starting any new meds, lest they impact my job performance. Now and then I will update you all on my progress but I don't want my blog to be all about depression. I want to continue being the creative person I have been, but it is still so hard. Thi s past week has been especially hard since my little guy suffers from nigh t terrors. It is not fun. I have been praying for him to get over them soon so we can all get a go od n ights sleep. He went from s leeping in our bed, to s leeping on our floor, to sleeping on his own- in the study. H
12 hours ago