Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Job

Well I got the job I wanted. It is out in the country so the drive is gorgeous. I'll have to take some pics of all the horses out there. I can see baby calves and baby goats that were just born a couple of weeks ago right outside our building!! Well they're next door, but that's close enough! And there are lots and lots of horses and rolling pastures..and well, can you tell I am smitten with this place?? I really, really want to move out there now. But my kids don't want to leave their friends behind. Maybe I'll just buy some land out there just to have...and some day... It has been a busy week. I started my new job last week and it has been hectic trying to get back into the groove of getting up early and getting the kids ready, pack lunches, etc. but I love it. I love being busy. I love working and having my own money. I kinda didn't like to have to ask my husband for money to buy something. I felt like a little kid going to daddy LOL Sergio is gearing up for ...
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Heavenly Father answers prayer

I didn't know, 5 years ago, that our Heavenly Father knew us by name and that we could have a personal relation with Him. I know that now. He answers my prayers, very personal things, almost immediately sometimes and then other times, it takes a little longer, but HE always gives me what I ask for and I accept it. I turned my life over to Him 5 years ago. I do as HE wills, not as I will. I did not know why He sent me to the last job, but He did. They were in dire need of financial help and I straightened out their finances. I specialize in government finance. I straighten out the very complex world of government accounting. It is unlike any other thing in the world. It is a world in and of itself. I left that job just after 2 years. My reasons were many, but I do not wish to be in a place where people are negative. I did not really know what my plans were after I left. I took a stab at consulting, but that did not go as I wanted. So I prayed and prayed and waited. I took it to my F...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Aaron's a Day in the Country

Today Aaron sang in a play at school. Well, he wasn't very enthusiastic about it at first, since he had already done a dry run earlier in the day in front of the whole school. He was pretty tired, but he sang some of the songs. Afterwards, Sergio took us out for ice cream at Dairy Queen. Aaron was ecstatic and kept asking us "was I good?" Of course he was...he's Aaron ;) We love you kid!
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Time Flies When You're Lovin' Some

How could this happen, how could this be That you are now as tall as me? How could this happen when just last night I kissed your little cheeks and held you tight How could this happen when just last week You ran up to me and wrapped your legs and feet around my leg and asked "Momma, did you bring me something?" And you squealed with delight, knowing you were right and in my purse, cheetos bag, Reeses bar and salted peanuts you would find, a big smile across your face that big smile that still lights up my day And just yesterday you asked to ride your bike up and down the street and next "Let's take a hike" and ask for a dog, always a dog, and me stalling, saying "Not 'till you're older" And here I am today, handing you the keys to Dad's truck, taking a nice Spring drive, laughing and listening to Billy Squier n the radio and me thinking how could this be that you are now driving me around town and soon you'll be gone colleges calli...
Monday, March 2, 2009

Trash out!

Since the economy has tanked and the new home industry is almost non existent, my husband has had to reinvent himself yet again. As many of you know, or don't know, he had a commercial cleaning business. Mainly cleaning model homes and specs, but since most builders are going bankrupt, his business has taken a huge nosedive. So....he came up with something new...TRASH OUT services! What is this you may ask? Here's what his flyer says: Do you have… An Abandoned home A Foreclosed home Estates Commercial Buildings Properties in Collin County and surrounding areas That have trash you need to get rid of in them? If you are dealing with foreclosed or trashed properties we want to offer you our services! We will come in and… • Clean up the Property! • Take out the old furniture or garbage! • Pressure Wash where needed! • We have the capability to contract the professionals for Plumbing, Electrical, Painting, Drywall, Carpentry and Landscape! We have the Equipment to do the job right ...

The Blessings of the Priesthood

So Saturday night I had this tremendous sinus headache (thanks cold weather :( ) So while I lay in bed writhing in pain, my little guy Aaron walks in and asks "What's wrong mama?" I let him know my head really hurts, and he hears me moaning in pain. Then he comes close to my head, says "I'll make it feel better, by praying" so he puts his little 6 year old hands on my head and gives me a blessing!! It brought tears to my eyes! He then tells me I will be much better b/c Jesus loves me!! What a guy! I tell you I am so blessed to have the Priesthood in my home. My husband holds the Priesthood in my church (he is one of many worthy men who hold it) and it is such a comfort knowing that Heavenly Father can work thru him to bless me and my family. I am also grateful my children can see this and know that one day they, too, will hold the Priesthood. My headache didn't go away until Sunday night but I appreciated the kind and gentle words coming out of such a ...


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