Thursday, January 23, 2014

MasterChef Junior Casting Call in Dallas Texas

We're going to be cooking on Saturday! I am super excited to share that I have been invited  to cover the MasterChef Junior casting call that will be held in Dallas. I can't wait to meet all the budding chefs. My hubby and my daughter are both fantastic cooks and I wish this show would have been on when she was a little girl. She would've totally rocked it! If you haven't seen this show, you must make it a point to watch with your family. It will encourage your kids to cook their own meals. Win-win. The winner last season! I'll be  back Saturday night to post some behind the scenes  sneaks!! Have a great weekend and don't forget to  enter my $25 Kohl's giveaway going on now. xoxo Patty <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

{Inspire} Printable Quotes and Kohl's Giveaway

Two things: 1st are some free and fun printables 2nd I'm announcing my Kohl's Giveaway So I'm feeling a bit creative tonight and with no photo shoots to edit, I thought I'd make up some  fun printables for you. The neat thing about these, is that you can download them from me for free (for a limited time) then have them printed on a large print and have them framed.  Or you can make a canvas out of them! You simply download them as jpg files  and upload to your favorite photo lab. Or you can get a HUGE engineering print done (in black and white only) done at a place like Staples :) Another idea is to use them as cards. Simply print them on 5X7 cardstock and give along with a gift :) Enjoy!   Please share the link with your friends but encourage them to come by here and leave me a comment and follow along. I'll be making some more of these soon :) Here is the dropbox link  Download them here   ********...
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Valentine's Day Ideas and Free Printables

I've mentioned this before- I love Valentine's Day! I know some people loathe it :( but for my hubby and me it was a magical night! We started dating seriously, dating, on that night maaaany years ago ;)  Here are some ideas from years past as well as some cool free printables from some of my favorite blogs! Valentine's Mantle     Red Doily Valentine Shirt Gummy Treat Bags And my favorite free printables: Ipod Printables from Delightful Order Candy Bar Wrappers from The Celebration Shoppe I hope these ideas spark some creativity and you'll share with us your neat creations. Hasta Pronto! xoxo Patty
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Valentine's Day Sugar Srub

Well what have we here? We are on the cusp of Valentine's Day people. I can't believe it.  I know I say this about every month, but it just seems the older I get the faster time  flies.  Gosh, it was just Thanksgiving! Anywho, I have been on a roller coaster with my health. Thankfully I am now going vegan again AND am really  getting into these essential oils. I buy mine from I'll put links up to the ones I used below in case you don't have a local health food store. I love, love the smell of peppermint. It is said to bring about clarity to the mind. And Lord knows I need some clarity. So, here I present to you my very, easy, sugar scrub. Tie a pretty tag around it with some ribbon and presto! Valentine's Day gift. You will need: A bottle of Grapeseed oil  A bottle of sweet almond oil (it's a more expensive so I use less) sugar essential oil such as peppermint or lavender wide mouth jars First pour 2 1...


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