Monday, October 26, 2009

She's all grown up

Falling in love Ellison and Bob A Sweet 5 year old Well the day finally came and went: My sweet little girl is now an adult. How did this happen? I remember taking her trick or treating as a little girl, where she dressed up as a dalmatian, cowgirl, Mulan, and many more outfits. I truly miss having a little girl. But you know what's best? Having a young woman to talk to. I love listening to Ellison's stories, and about what went on that day at school. I love to listen to all her hopes and dreams and know that she will accomplish anything. What a sweet ride this has been so far, being her mom. From the first day I saw her I was in love with the chubby little baby girl with the huge hazel eyes and shock of dark hair. From the day she could hold a pencil she was drawing. And drawing and drawing. I always knew she'd grow up to be an artist. Sergio and I encouraged her to draw and express herself with the written word. Many nights you could find Sergio and Ellison sitting ...
Friday, October 23, 2009

Makin' Smores

Tonight was a first for me. I got to make some smores! I had never done that before in my life! I had never eaten them either. We roasted marshmallows outside on our fire pit and looked at the stars! What a great fall night.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Getting ready for Halloween

So the tradition continues. Last year we decided as a family to decorate our front lawn as the theme of a Nightmare Before Christmas. It is a great movie (a masterpiece in Ellison's words) directed by Tim Burton and has wonderful music by Danny Elfman. Anyway, we decided to draw and cutout some wooden figures to put on our front lawn. This year we added a couple of more characters. We will add more characters and features as the years go by. Last year, we had several trick or treaters squeal with delight when they heard the soundtrack playing and saw Jack Skellington on the lawn. What can I say? We are a family of artists and musicians ;P Next, on to creating some more characters for my Charlie Brown Christmas decorations. I L-O-V-E the holidays!! Here are Shock, Lock and Barrel made by Ellison and Sergio Zero in his house, Jack Skellington and the Mayor made by Sergio and Ellison Zero made by Sergio and sign by Patty Sally in pr...
Friday, October 16, 2009

Fabulous Friday!

Many things went wrong today. I would rather not mention specifics, but it bummed me out. Thank goodness I now work out at lunch time and that made my day go faster and a little better. All this week hasn't been bad, though. Last Friday I went to get some blood drawn to see what my liver panels were showing. Great news! They are down to normal levels. I guess the starvation diet worked. That and my gettin off all meds! Those meds were making me even sicker. I had to take control of my own health, and it worked. I still feel tired every morning, not well rested at all, so I am convinced there is something else that is going on. So, today was not a good day. But I had something to look forward to. Whenever I feel kinda bummed out, I always think to something in the future. What can I look forward to? Well tonight, I remembered is Fabulous Friday at church. Crafts time!! YESS! I love crafts, even if I am not that good at it. Immediately upon walking in I got two big hugs from some goo...
Friday, October 2, 2009

Josh is 12 ****Happy Birthday**

A couple of weeks ago, Josh informed me that he was having a few friends over for his birthday. I said "would you like for me to make the invites?", to which he replied, "Nope, already done and passed out to my friends". I was speechless. I always make the invites. When did this happen, when did my little boy become so independent? Well, to tell truth he has always been very independent. As I look back on the past twelve years of Josh's life a big smile begins to creep upon my face. Josh has always been a special boy. He is very loving and cuddly. He is very good to his little brother. Every weekend, he wakes up early and fixes breakfast for himself and his little brother. On any given night you can find them both wrestling on the carpet, and while Aaron hits, pounds and jumps on Josh with all his little might...Josh uses gentle care to "drop" him to the ground without hurting him. Josh is very spiritual and quiet. He is very funny and has a sarcastic ...


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