Monday, December 19, 2011

Junk N Treasure Christmas Mantle

Finally. I finished decorating my house for Christmas. I think. Well at least the mantle is done. I really like the way it turned out.  I 'll describe what I used first and then you can see all the photos. I used the same shutter I've used for my other mantles I've done throughout the year. I added the JOY letters to it with some glue dots. I used my rusty junk bucket I bought at one of my junkin' weekend shopping hauls and filled it with faux greenery, ornaments and lights. I also put out my vintage red lantern. I found a milk bottle stamped with the "No. 5" and found it to be whimsical and set it next to my rusty bucket. I filled it with some faux snow :) I then layered some pine garland, ornaments,lights and raffia along the top and hung my burlap stockings on a rope with clothespins.  It makes me happy :D I have some heavy candle holders that the rope is tied to on either end of the mantle. I'll show you my Grinch White Tre...
Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Ornament Wreath {Crafty Friday}

Crafty Friday Everyone :) Well here we are exactly one week and one day before Christmas! Ack! Time really got away from me this year. I have managed to squeeze in some crafts and holiday decorating (finally) this past week. I decided to not put my holiday shutter with the birdie on it this year and instead keep it on my mantle. I wanted to make a more festive and colorful wreath for my front door.  And this was the result: Isn't that pretty? It's so easy too. Here's what you'll need: 1 wire hanger (don't let Mommie Dearest see you lol) assorted ball (shatterproof are best) ornaments ribbon floral wire First you'll decide on a color scheme. I decided to use mostly red and a few gold balls. I wanted it to have a peppermint theme so I bought some that looked like peppermint ornaments. I could not find shatterproof ones so I had to settle for glass ones. I am keeping my fingers crossed that no one in my family slams the front do...
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Past Christmas Crafts {Christmas Memory Lane}

I often like to go through my posts and look at my past projects. Lately I've been slacking and also pretty busy with my photography business so my dining room is a big mess of scattered ornaments, non-working light sets and tinsel, garland and who knows what else. Needless to say I haven't been very productive this December. As say, compared to last year and years past. So I've decided to post here some of my favorite Christmas crafts from the past.  Christmas Memory Lane if you will ;) Just click on the link to go to it. Christmas Tabletop Vignette   Christmas Starfish Sea Themed Tree Christmas Eve Party Ideas Make A Magnolia Wreath No Sew Burlap Stockings Natural and Joyful Mantle Burlap Sacs-Gifts of the Magi Make Christmas Outdoor Wooden Shapes Decor Enjoy! And I will be back with some pics of my latest wreath that I Finally did finish. :) Patty
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Foodie Fridays {Oreo Truffles}

Happy, happy Friday!! And 'tis the season for baking :) And who doesn't love a good, easy recipe that you can share with friends right? Well I happen to be a great big fan of The Tomkat Studio and their amazing party printables.  I have been using them for well over a year. In fact I just bought their adorable Vintage Rudolph Party printables that I'll be incorporating into my Christmas Eve party. TomKat Studio Etsy Shop-Vintage Rudolph They are so affordable and easy and you can use them for years to come. It's a win-win. Anywho, enough gushing about their printables, I wanted to share with you a delectable and oh-so-ez recipe I found on their website!! They even include the cute recipe card and the free printable how awesome is that! Here is the link to their website and the printable that you can use Oreo Truffle Recipe with printable     Source: Tomkat Studio Have fun making these! I know I will be making them for some fun ...


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