Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas-Apartment Dining Reveal

Merry Christmas! I'm back to share with you my Christmas post. Remember how I told you we severely downsized to an apartment?  Well I've been unpacking and trying to find all my things that are packed up in boxes.  I finally found my fabric that I bought a couple of years ago to re do my chairs! So I set out to recover my chairs and paint my table in one weekend.  Pretty agressive of me don't you think? Well what I failed to remember not to forget was the  location of our STAPLE GUN. Facebook to the rescue. My daughter's MIL had an electric one I borrowed. Made things a lot easier to staple.  Now, re-covering chairs may seem like a simple task and well it is-until you actually start to do it.  There are millions of staples to remove.  First I took them off and used that fabric as templates for my new fabric. My mom helped me cut. Then I had to figure out how to staple it on so the staples wouldn't show on the chairs....

Decorating a Small Apartment for Christmas

We are STILL unpacking! I had to take a break from all that and look for my Christmas decorations as I wanted to put up our tree on Thanksgiving Day.  Thank goodness last year I had the forethought of selling my ginormous, 12 foot, fat tree and replacing it with a skinny one.  It's 12 feet as well but my hubby told me not to put the bottom portion on so the star would be able to fit at the top. The tree is about 8 or 9 feet now.  It's perfect! I love that I kept my ornaments from the fat tree but I cannot find my red ribbon. I made do with a roll of red burlap I had stashed away (funny what you find when you're looking for SOMETHING else) I went ahead and just cinched it here and there to make it a little easier to wrap around the tree.  Then, since we don't have a fireplace in this apartment (sad face) I got a shelf from Ikea to put up in our entry way.  I have a little cabinet there that I decided to decorate around. The shel...


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