Monday, May 24, 2010

Camping Fishing and Hunting for Good Deals

This past weekend Sergio took the boys on a Father Son campout. They had a great time eating and fishing and staying up really late. The boys were so happy that Sergio got them matching headband lights. Hmm....they don't look too excited here. Sergio is showing me his new lantern (to add to his ever growing collection) So after they got back on Saturday morning I told Sergio that the whole day was planned for just him and I :) He was happy when I told him our first stop was to have lunch here: Then we decided to go see a new movie featuring one of our favorite actors Russell Crowe: Well we weren't disappointed. Sergio and I are some serious movie buffs and we are also serious thrifty shoppers. So while the movie was still playing I whispered to Sergio "Hey after here let's go to Goodwill. But let's go to the one in Carrollton". So right after the movie that's where we headed. And what a glorious trip that was!!! Unlike our own Goodwill they have so mu...

I was awarded a Trendy Blog Award!

Thanks so much to Looking Glass Jewels for awarding me the Trendy Blog Award from Trendy Treehouse! Stop on over and look at all her great jewelry designs. Don't you just love Etsy??!! Well I love to check out new trends and here are some of MY favorite trendy blogs where you can learn anything from home decor to photography to baking! 1. 320 Sycamore 2. 3. 4. 5. Check them out!
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reminiscing Past Decor Projects

Since I am out of town on business and am tired of working on the budget and walking around outside seeing the bums ;) I have been perusing my stored pics on my laptop and came across these gems: These pics are from my old house and I originally designed/decorated in 1999-2002. I wish I could still paint murals in my kids' rooms but they don't seem to be too excited about that anymore :( Here's one of my favorites~  This room was designed when I was expecting my 3rd child and I wanted to have a "coloring book road theme". I wanted the cars and clouds, etc to look cartoonish as if a child had drawn them on the walls. Since I was huge by the time we started painting the mural, my hubby painted a lot of this. But I designed it. My husband also hand crafted my baby's toddler bed Jeep you see here. He made it all by hand including hand carving the wheels out of wood!! I tell you he's a VERY talented guy. This bed is solid. And eventhough my l...

Portland Trip-Part 2

Today we went down the street to get a tour of the headquarters of the company that is sponsoring the training I am here for. They are on the 29th floor of their building and the views are breathtaking: Mount St.Helens is way back there! I wish I had these views from MYoffice ((sigh)). After the tour I decided to go for a walk downtown. I was pleasantly surprised to see various food vendor stands! Why hadn't I noticed these before?!!  Aggh..I promptly waltzed up to this vendor: Where I got this: Yummy!! I wandered around inside some buildings and saw this really cute art exhibit from some elementary school kids: I think the theme was to use recyclable items. These kids are so talented. Then I enjoyed looking in a flower shop at some pretty flowers: And on an ending note: A group of us stopped and talked to a group of 3 young guys (and a purebred looking dog) who had a sign that read "Need to get Drunk" ((rolls eyes)) I asked why they didn't have a job...

I'm in Portland

For all its natural beauty Portland also has a lot of sadness. While taking a walk on my first day here I noticed a lot of kids begging out on the square. They don't look much older than high school age. It's sad. I asked around about them and the locals told me they are mostly kids that have been "thrown out" by their parents. Just like that. Discarded. One very pretty girl plays the violin while her dog sits by her and listens. Another boy squats on the opposite corner with his dog and puts a sign up that says "hate change, then toss it in here". I don't know what the local laws are regarding panhandling but it really takes away from the beauty of the downtown area. Now, don't get me wrong. I haven't exactly led a sheltered life, but the homeless beggars I am accustomed to are in their 40's to 60's and usually look like they have mental problems and are war veterans. While walking by a large group of teens today I noticed they wer...
Thursday, May 6, 2010

In the Blink of an Eye

Well the time is drawing near. Ellison will be off to see the world as a graduate. In just a few short weeks my little bundle of joy will finish high school. I can't believe I am even writing that phrase down: Finish High School. Who knows what is in store for Miss Ellison. Who knows what her life will bring her. But this I do know: she has grown to be an amazing young lady who has always made good choices. She is a hard worker, compassionate, creative, friendly and funny! I didn't know that behind those gorgeous brown eyes would lurk an old soul that immediately goes to the aid of those that need it. I didn't know that those tiny little hands would be capable of baking up yummy cheesecakes, sauteeing gourmet vegetables or creating a lion out of an empty canvas. No sirree, I didn't know that my little Ellie would light up the room as she enters it and smiles. I didn't know that my little Ellie would take my worries and fears away with a hug and an ...


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