I can't believe we have only two more weeks left of school. Summer is quickly approaching and the question that most parents have is: what are we going to do with the kids? Many kids go off to summer camp. I know my son did back when he was 1o. We quickly learned he is NOT an outdoor kid! Ever since he was 4 years old, Aaron knew he wanted to be in the entertainment industry. Do you have a child like this? Constantly putting on "a show" for friends and family? If you do, then you will want to consider Dallas Young Actors Studio! It's a fun place to be. Kids as young as 5 train to be professional actors and go on to get hired in Hollywood. Check out the success stories on the website at http://www.youngactors.org/success/ We have been so impressed during the last three years that Aaron has been training here at Dallas YAS. But the best part is that these young people learn not only to act in front of the camera but behind the camera too. D...
1 day ago