Saturday, May 18, 2019

Summer Acting Camps 2019 Continued

I can't believe we have only two more weeks left of school.  Summer is quickly approaching and the question that most parents have is: what are we going to do with the kids?  Many kids go off to summer camp. I know my son did back when he was 1o. We quickly learned he is NOT an outdoor kid! Ever since he was 4 years old, Aaron knew he wanted to be in the entertainment industry. Do you have a child like this? Constantly putting on "a show" for friends and family?  If you do, then you will want to consider Dallas Young Actors Studio! It's a fun place to be. Kids as young as 5 train to be professional actors and go on to get hired in Hollywood. Check out the success stories on the website at We have been so impressed during the last three years that Aaron has been training here at Dallas YAS.  But the best part is that these young people learn not only to act in front of the camera  but behind the camera too. D...
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Film Making Right Here in Dallas - Teen and Kids Acting Camps

One of the great things about Dallas is the variety of activities that are available for our kids to do. For years, my son, Aaron and I searched for a great place for him to learn acting.  You have heard me rave about the Dallas Young Actors Studio in Dallas. Here, they train children from as young as 7 up to 17 and even adults!  So many success stories have come out of here. You can read all about those at the DYAS website The Summer Acting Camps are almost full and one of the best things about these camps is that the kids get to participate in every aspect of film making/TV taping. From the actors to the film production crew, this place offers young people the opportunity to learn and grow and use their imagination! They can go on to successful careers in Hollywood making films, whether in a film crew, lighting, sound mixing-even make up!   Check out the video for some behind the scenes footage of these camps!  ...
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Stylish Looks for Spring- Wood Watches

JORD watches* sponsored post Unique Timepieces for a lifetime It’s spring! We have some beautiful weather here in the Dallas area and we are so thankful for it! I’ll be posting some cute Spring outfits in the next coming days. And with cute outfits comes the need to accessorize. I love accessories. They are crucial in putting an outfit together. I like bracelets, earrings, a cute hat and even a simple piece like a watch. The nice people at JORD watches sent me a beautiful watch to wear and share with you guys! I’ll be posting some shots on my IG with me wearing it :) I picked the beautiful style called Cora Polaris. Three years of imagination & painstaking design have led to a new, classy, more beautiful alteration of the celebrated Cora Collection. Hand-seated Swarovski crystals encircle the vibrant 34mm dial to depict the stars of the Little Dipper. Polaris shines brightly in the northern sky, to guide you through each hour of the day. And beautifully polished metals...
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Dallas Acting and Film Making School

School is almost out! Can you believe that?  Before you know it there won't be the morning rush we are all experiencing right now. Just the mellow pace of summer. Ahhh....can you feel it? :) I love waking up without an alarm clock and just taking it easy on certain days when I can work from home. As a working, single, mom I treasure these last few days I have with my baby...even if he will be 17 soon!  One thing we are both looking forward to is his summer acting camp. This year he will be doing two weeks instead of one. These are actual TV pilots shot on a soundstage in Dallas. You've heard me talk up the acting school before but I'm here to share that there is a film making division too. That's right. Right here in Dallas. If you're son or daughter is interested in becoming a professional camera man, being part of a film production crew in Hollywood or anywhere else, this is the place to send them! I am impressed with the level of professionalism these kids...


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