French Country Desk Redo Hello everyone! Can you believe summer is over? Well, here in Texas it's faaaarr from over given that we still have 98 degree days! I am certainly looking forward to autumn! My head is swimming with crafty, decorating ideas I can't wait to share with you. But first things first. The winner of the 16x20 Canvas from is ***drumroll*** Entry #6 Amanda Woods! Woo hoo!! Please contact me as soon as possible either through my facebook page or via email at salmar70atgmaildotcom so I can get your code to you! Congrats! So you all know by now that I love to redo furniture. A few months ago I saw a deal I just couldn't pass up. It was this really cute but "had seen better days" French style desk and hutch. I dragged my hubby over to the other side of Dallas to pick this up. It had some pretty bad damage to the desk top. Nothing a little sanding couldn't fix. So I sanded it do...
1 day ago