Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Transforming Trash to Treasure-French Country Desk with Mineral Paint

French Country Desk Redo Hello everyone! Can you believe summer is over? Well, here in Texas it's faaaarr from over given that we still have 98 degree days! I am certainly looking forward to autumn! My head is swimming with crafty, decorating ideas I can't wait to share with you. But first things first. The winner of the 16x20 Canvas from is ***drumroll*** Entry #6 Amanda Woods! Woo hoo!! Please contact me as soon as possible either through my facebook page or via email at salmar70atgmaildotcom so I can get your code to you! Congrats! So you all know by now that I love to redo furniture.  A few months ago I saw a deal I just couldn't pass up. It was this really cute but "had seen better days" French style desk and hutch.  I dragged my hubby over to the other side of Dallas to pick this up. It had some pretty bad damage to the desk top. Nothing a little sanding couldn't fix.  So I sanded it do...
Sunday, August 7, 2016

He's Flying the Coop! Sending a Kid Off To College

Y'all I'm a mess right now! My sweet son, whom I usually refer to as "the big guy" has grown up. He is going off to college in a few short weeks. Granted he's not going THAT far, but still.  And I know that many of you moms out there have sent your precious children off to the military, missions and so forth so this may not seem like a big deal, but it is. My son is in the autistic spectrum. We have raised him to be a self sufficient, responsible and respectful young man. So far so good.  I still do worry about him living away from us on campus.  We can visit him any time as he's only a half hour away! (I know, I know!) We want him to live on his own so he can be fully ready to spread his wings when he finishes his undergrad. I don't know how a mother prepares for this. You just can't.  He was just a four year old boy yesterday playing with dinosaurs and memorizing every single detail of their existence and extinction.  Then he t...


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