Sunday, June 16, 2013

Baby Fever {Shower Invites}

Well howdy everyone! It's a Texas Summer alright, complete with humidity and West Nile Virus carrying mosquitos! But, I like summer, yes I do. Time to splash around in the pool and camp outs and fishing and get the picture. This week is my daughter's baby shower. I've been busy planning that and so many other things (as usual). But I wanted to share with you the cute invites I made. So simple and inexpensive. I started off by buying and downloading a gorgeous digital paper pack from a wonderful blogger I admire over at  Jones Design Co.   I also got the fonts from her :) She inspires me so much! Here's what you'll need:   paper cutter white cardstock pretty patterned paper ribbon edge punch tape adhesive I started off by designing my invite in publisher I wanted it to be simple but classy My daughter's nursery colors are soft green and yellow I made the font in a soft grey and the baby carriage is a clip ar...
Monday, June 3, 2013

Memorial Day Trip - Corpus Christi

Happy Memorial Day a week later! Ha! First off, let me announce the winner of the May giveaway-drum roll.... Lauri H. comment #6! Please contact me to claim your prize. The rest of you don't despair there is a June giveaway coming up.  I've been super, duper busy and pretty much slacking on my blog posts. But no more! I had a great time down in Corpus Christi and South Texas visiting family and relaxing by the beach. Here's our weekend vacay in pictures:   We stayed at the Omni Hotel   Bestest Friends   my sweet little guy and me  This cutie was posing for us :)   We even had some time to sight see. We went to the USS Lexington   And had a chance to see some awesome WWII planes and of course, act silly! But the best thing of all was seeing my granma again! These times with her are priceless. So that was my Memorial Day weekend.  How was yours? xoxo  ...


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