WELL HAPPY N E W Y EAR EVERYONE! How was your Chr istmas? M ine was o .k. I got the flu for Chr istmas. Nice, huh? But hey, I got to see it snow from my bedroom wind ow so that was N ICE. :) I'd say we got about 5 inches and more is exp ected next week ( (fing ers crossed)) XXXXXXX It seems this pas t month I just coul dn't catch a b reak in regards to my heal th. So you bet I'm ready for a new mo nth and a new year. I have SO many great things planned for this little ole blog and my pho tography business. It 's exciting isn't it? Making plans, and all. Any who, since I've been laid up in bed for the better part of three weeks (first in the hospital wi th another TIA and then my bedroom- YUCK) I 've had way too much time on my iPad looking up cool apps and websites to share with y 'all. The first on e is Next Issue . This is a little pricey at $24.95 a month but you get to read a lot of maga...
1 week ago