Friday, July 19, 2013

Hundreds of Magazines at your Fingertips! NEXT ISSUE

If you are like me, you love to peruse the magazines at the grocery check out line, right? But the cost of buying all those colorful rags will add up QUICK. Here's the solution: I have found NEXT ISSUE. It is an app for your ipad or ipad mini and they even  have it on Android too. For a low monthly fee you get to  read all  your favorite magazines~ Even the past issues!! No more lugging around an armful of mags at the airport. With NextIssue you simply click on your app and you are good to go! I love this app! I read constantly especially when I was hospitalized. What a wonderful gift this would make for a loved one. Here's the great part! You can try it for free for 30 days! After that it's as low as $9.99 per month (this is the one I subscribe to) When you add up all the magazine subscriptions, Next Issue clearly is the lower alternative! And you don't have a stack of old magazines all over your house! Check them out here:...
Monday, July 15, 2013

New Beginnings

If you read my last post you can just imagine the type of excitement we've had around here. My daughter, who wasn't due until the end of this month, had her baby early.  She was born healthy and beautiful! I guess she couldn't wait to get to this world. We, the grandparents, all around, are in love with her! I gave my daughter her baby shower just in the nick of time. I also did her maternity photos just in time.  If we'd waited just one more week it may have been too late. All this excitement has brought back a flood of emotions and memories for me. Holding my first baby 21 years ago. The feeling of being a new mother. The uncertainties of what kind of mother would I be. Would I be able to raise a child who would be able to contribute to the world for good? Would I be able to teach her everything she needs to make it in this great, big, world? Would she grow up knowing how much her parents loved her and wanted her? A day or so before my d...
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Baby I'm Yours!

Happy, happy week!  Guess what happened on Sunday? I became a grandma! Yes!!! She came a little early. This little princess was just eager to come into this world. So this is why I've been missing for a few weeks :) I will blog all about it soon. I promise. In the meantime don't forget to enter the July giveaway! Get organized. Click on the link on the side and enter today. xoxo  Grams!


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