I've lost count of which Foodie Friday this is
All I know is that I've got a
and that my sweet baby boy is turning 9 today!
((SNIFF, SNIFF)) He's no longer a baby..
So for his birthday party I am preparing him some yummy treats!
these are oh-so-simple-to make and are my
variation to candy apples.
And since my little guy's theme tomorrow will be
all about the army, well this just fits right in.
First you're going to need some apples,
popsicle sticks, chocolate for melting, food coloring, wax paper, ribbon and cello paper (these last two only if you're going to give these away)
First let me tell you that I love getting the type of meltable candy that comes in a tray and you microwave it.
It's oh so easy to clean up.
And who doesn't love easy?
I simply took one tray and colored the white chocolate green. I wanted the muddy apples to have "grass stains"
Then I just melted the dark chocolate and smothered it all around the apple. I stuck the apple into some styrofoam to let it dry then followed by smothering it into the green chocolate. Make it look as messy as you can. Remember they are to resemble mud!
And that's it!
The "soldiers" loved them!
And wouldn't these be cool gifts for some real soldiers coming home? How about finding out when they are arriving and greeting them at the airport with baskets full of these?
Easy, inexpensive and yummy?
But remember it's all in the