Today we went down the street to get a tour of the headquarters of the company that is sponsoring the training I am here for. They are on the 29th floor of their building and the views are breathtaking:
Mount St.Helens is way back there! I wish I had these views from MYoffice ((sigh)).
After the tour I decided to go for a walk downtown. I was pleasantly surprised to see various food vendor stands! Why hadn't I noticed these before?!! Aggh..I promptly waltzed up to this vendor:
Where I got this:
I wandered around inside some buildings and saw this really cute art exhibit from some elementary school kids:
I think the theme was to use recyclable items. These kids are so talented.
Then I enjoyed looking in a flower shop at some pretty flowers:
And on an ending note: A group of us stopped and talked to a group of 3 young guys (and a purebred looking dog) who had a sign that read "Need to get Drunk" ((rolls eyes)) I asked why they didn't have a job? The one kid said this is easier and they make more money begging than working and they don't have to pay taxes. Oh, boy! That got me mad so I don't feel bad for these bums anymore and I hope the citizens of Portland pester City Hall to pass an ordinance making it illegal for them to hang around panhandling (like the ordinance in Dallas).
So sad, that there are SO many people wanting to work and can't because of sickness, etc and these kids just DON'T WANT TO argghh!!
Ok, rant over. All in all my trip was a good one. I am glad my husband and I have taught and are teaching our kids that working for something actually brings happiness. Well, that and eating a Really good Burrito!
You seriously lucked out with some great Oregon Spring Weather. It's usually raining! Will you be there for the weekend? Portland Saturday Market is fabulous!