Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pictures of Molly

I have always loved dogs. Dogs and I have always had a very strong bond. From the time I begged my mom for a puppy at the age of six (who hasn't huh?) all the way to 2007 when I prayed for a pug. Yes, I prayed to get a pug. I used to have one when I first got married. Sergio bought him for me when I worked at a pet shop in Dallas.
He was very expensive but Pugslee and I formed a life long bond. He died shortly after Ellison was born and ever since then I had wanted another one.
So one day I was praying for another dog. Yes I pray for everything. I don't make a move without God's approval ;) And in my prayer I asked for a free pug (hey ya gotta be specific) So I was looking through a community website and in one of their forums I saw a post for a free pug!! They were giving this 6 month old pup away because they simply did not have time to play with her since their new baby came along. They had no yard for the pug to run around in.
We went by for an interview and we qualified to adopt her. She was pretty wild allright. They had her cooped up in a crate most of the time. We brought her home and named her Molly. I wanted to name her Lola but Sergio said she looks like a Molly. So Molly it was and has been for 3 years! She has brought us joy and lots of laughs especially when she begs to go outside and lay on one of our patio chairs like today:

 I woke her up HA!

And I again I prove my point-God answers prayers ;)

Would you like to comment?

  1. Oh she is precious!... I will need to figure out how to follow. The computers at school will not allow me to. I liked your name Lola. I had a friend who named their girl Lola after years of prayer. She always kidded that Lola stood for "L"isten "O"nly to the "L"ord and he will "A"nswer. We will have to get our new dogs on a play date. Molly is a great name too... Welcome to the family Molly!


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