Well the time is drawing near. Ellison will be off to see the world as a graduate. In just a few short weeks my little bundle of joy will finish high school. I can't believe I am even writing that phrase down: Finish High School.
Who knows what is in store for Miss Ellison. Who knows what her life will bring her. But this I do know: she has grown to be an amazing young lady who has always made good choices. She is a hard worker, compassionate, creative, friendly and funny!
I didn't know that behind those gorgeous brown eyes would lurk an old soul that immediately goes to the aid of those that need it.
I didn't know that those tiny little hands would be capable of baking up yummy cheesecakes, sauteeing gourmet vegetables or creating a lion out of an empty canvas.
No sirree, I didn't know that my little Ellie would light up the room as she enters it and smiles.
I didn't know that my little Ellie would take my worries and fears away with a hug and an "I love you, Ma".
But somehow I always knew that she was just on loan. The Lord loaned me this beautiful little baby oh for just a few fleeting moments. For what she has to do in this life is much, much more than I could ever imagine.
Now take your wings and fly Ellison! I'll be watching.