I decided this year I wasn't going to make a list of resolutions or goals.
It humbled me last year when I had that brain hemorrhage and I learned a valuable lesson:
that we are never in charge, God is.
Hence the title of this post.
I have several changes I would like to have done to my life starting this Summer.
Yes, I am putting a timeline on my changes because if I don't then it will never happen.
It's good to have deadlines :)
As I lay down to go to sleep each night I pray.
I ask my Father in Heaven, humbly, to give me these things that my heart so desires.
He is in charge.
Not I.
You will be seeing many changes to my blog and therefore to my life as time goes by.
I'll post them as they happen.
I don't like to get ahead of myself.
One thing I can write about is my photography business.
I started it officially last November and boy did it take off!!
You can see my work on my website {here}
and you can see more of my photos including my nature and architectural photos on my photography blog {here}
My beautiful boy on a cool, crisp day. We were hiking in the woods.
The hubby and I
My boys walking in the woods
I know that everything happens for a reason.
I love that God is in charge of my life and not me.
If I was in charge I would continually screw up.
Another very important decision we reached as a family, is that next Fall we'll be homeschooling my little guy.
See, I told you. Lots of changes.
Hopefully the photography business and...other things will allow us the flexibility to tend to our family obligations with more vigor and less hurried-ness.
The best thing is that we make these decisions as a family.
First we consult with the Lord. By we, I mean my husband and I.
We pray about it.
Then we discuss it and lay out different plans. Different scenarios. And then we let the "chips fall where they may".
So to speak.
What kind of changes would you like to have in your life this year?
This month?
This week?