Today is Easter.
He is Risen indeed.
We watch movies depicting HIS life.
We cringe at the suffering that we see and read.
I cannot imagine enduring such pain.
It humbles me to think and remember.
That HE loves me so much, HE died for me.
But today, today HE IS RISEN.
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We've never pushed the Easter bunny on our children. I always thought them too smart to fall for it ;)
They are all VERY observant people.
They are intuitive and well, not, easily fooled.
Which is a good thing!
So, we started our Sunday morning by having my two boys open up a little something that I bought for them {my grown daughter also gets a treat bag ;)}.
They each get some candy (which is a REAL treat, because we don't keep candy in the house!)
And my little guy got some extra little things from the dollar store that he loves: glow sticks and a gun that shoots plastic balls. Every boy's dream I tell you!
Then we ate some breakfast and got ready for church.
It was a wonderful day at church.
When we came back, my husband prepared a wonderful dinner for us. And we thanked our Heavenly Father for such a gift of HIS son and for the many blessings which HE has bestowed upon us.
Happy Easter indeed!