Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fun Times with a Flashlight and Camera

Last weekend we had the great treat of having my nieces over for a sleepover. I say a treat because they live about 3 hours away and we all love having them over.
Now, living with three guys, I crave the companionship of girls!! My own girl is always working and living her own life, that I barely have time to give her a hug anymore. 
So that night, we were up late, of course, and I told them I wanted to try out a neat trick with my camera and a flashlight!
So we went into my studio and set up the camera on a tripod and each kid took turns with the flashlight making shapes, etc.
Here's the result:

 Isn't this fun!! 
All you do is set your camera's shutter speed very low to about 15s.
Just prop it on a tripod or table and use the camera's self timer.
It's important not to move right after you've drawn your object so that the image is captured by the camera.
We had lots of fun experimenting with lighter and darker backgrounds. 

Go ahead and try it if you've got a DSLR camera.
Have your kids draw different letters, write their names, or make objects with light. 
You can also use glow sticks for this.

Have fun!!


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