Here is the tutorial I promised for this wreath:
I saw a beautiful photo spread in the House Beautiful magazine where they show a
magnolia wreath spray painted in white. It looks gorgeous! The possibilites are endless.
Here's what you'll need:
Magnolia leaves
round form (I used a foam circle wreath but you can use whatever, stiff cardboard, etc)
Mighty Mend It glue (notice a trend here) or hot glue
Clear Acrylic Spray to protect the leaves
First I took my magnolia leaves and wiped them down with a damp cloth.
You can just rinse them in the sink if you like and let them dry.
Then I started gluing them to the wreath form.
I glued them down kind of in an angle. You can experiment with them before
gluing them down to see what form you want it to take. Then just keep layering them
until you are satisfied with it.
Next time though, I will choose a green wreath form. I had to end up wrapping the exposed white wreath with green ribbon. You can also glue some leaves to the back of
your wreath to make it fuller. Next I took it to my garage and sprayed it with some clear acrylic spray to make it last. Then I just tied a simple red ribbon around and hung on my mantle mirror. This is such an easy and inexpensive craft anybody can do it.
Cost about $8 for the wreath form and one can of clear acrylic spray (which I will use again).
I used weights to hold down the leaves that had begun to curl and to help them adhere to each other.
Almost Done
Ta Da!
4 days ago