Lately I've been getting a lot of questions on the name of the company I used to work for when I worked from home. The company's name is Alpine Access and it's essentially a place that big companies such as Office Depot, 1-800-Flowers, and others contract with to do their phone service, such as customer service, order taking, etc. These are INBOUND calls, they call you, no telemarketing.
I was on the Office Depot National Desk center. This is for BIG time customers, like Fortune 500 companies that use OD as their office supplier. It was a great company. Don't expect to get paid more than $9 per hour and you have to meet their technical requirements, such as a land line phone, specific headset (which I found on ebay), high speed internet, not SATELLITE, a pc that meets their specs and a VERY quiet environment. You have to go through some rigourous paid training and just to get hired you have to undergo a background check including criminal and credit check. You also have to have a voice audition. After all this then you are trained on how to log in and post your available hours, how to clock in from your computer, etc.
It is very detailed and specific. You treat it as a real job, because it is. You are then considered an employee and they do direct deposit into your bank account. This is great for moms, students, handicapped people who want to work and get some extra cash or supplement their income. I found the invironment warm and friendly. Again I only worked for the Office Depot National Desk and I have heard some grumblings from other programs but then again when isn't someone grumbling??? Anyways, I recommend that company if you're looking for something from home with no distractions (if they hear background noise they WILL fire you as the managers are online listening in to your phone conversations and taping you)
You also have to be quick about answering questions, putting the orders in and hanging up within a set amout of time. You have to be very adept at using Excel, and other programs.
The only reason I quit is because I was offered a very good government job.
Oh, almost forgot, when someone calls in sick, etc. there are good opportunities for you to pick up some extra hours and even some overtime. The usual weekly hours vary from 20-40 hours per week. Good luck on your search!
1 day ago