Things that make me smile
{this same week I met a new friend-Buddy-and he made me smile}
Copyright-Patricia Martinez Photography
You know when you're feeling kinda down
and you just need to get out of the house to clear your head?
Well that was me about a week ago.
I felt confused, bored, angry, and just generally blah.
I had promised a friend of mine I'd take her out to lunch for her birthday.
We agreed on a Thursday.
So that day I woke up in a good mood ready for my lunch date.
You know when you have that friend that just the thought
of hanging out with them just makes you smile?
Well she is THAT friend.
As soon as I pulled up to her front door I had a smile on my face.
And being that we hadn't talked or seen each other for a long time due to vacations and work and other life's in betweens, well we had a LOT of catching up to do.
So as soon as she gets in my car we start talking and laughing.
We agree on a very nice Tuscan restaurant and sit down and look at the menu.
But we were talking so much we had to tell the waiter to just "give us a few more minutes" to make up our minds-twice!
You know what I'm talking about?
We had SO much to say to each other and her stories crack me up.
She is single now and I love hearing all about her dating
stories and the places she goes.
So yeah, I'm kinda living the single life vicariously through her as well.
We ordered our food and we talked and ate and talked and ate.
Afterwards, I didn't want our lunch date to end.
But I figured, maybe she had things to do.
Well we're walking outside and the restaurant is in this very nice shopping center and she asks if I'll go with her to a shop to get a blouse she liked.
I say "Of Course!"
So we talk and shop and talk and shop.
Theeennnn, she asked what I was doing later, and I said I didn't know and so we ended up going to check out this new scrapbooking place I wanted to go to (she doesn't scrapbook but she went with me 'cause she's sweet like that)
Then I say "Let's go get some Starbucks"
I love me a cold cream based frappuccino with chocolate chips and mint {neither one of us drink coffee and this drink is super refreshing}
So then we see a couple of her friends there and we start talking.
So now I've spent a good 4 hours with my friend and we're having a blast!
I meet her new friends but the place is kind of crowded so she and I head outside to drink our drinks.
After a bit, her friends come out and invite us next door to this really hip wine bar.
I say "OK!"
And off we go.
Now neither one of us drinks wine but I have a coke and she gets water.
We're having the greatest time :)
She then orders some appetizers and I'm yakking it up with her friend and nobody wants to leave.
Have you had one of those days?
And just thinking about that day makes me smile.
I want to do it again.
{copyright Patricia Martinez Photography}
Have a great week everyone.
Find a reason to smile.
Now for the news you've been waiting for!
Here is the winner of the Kroger giftcard and Produce for Kids
Entry # 34!!!
Gina M. I will contact you to send you your prize
Thank you! I am so excited to have won!