This past weekend was another fun filled weekend. Between photo shoots (oh yeah, did I mention I finally started my photography business, YAY!)Thanksgiving, my sister and her family being in town (another YAY!) and all the festivities that come with the Black Friday after (did you go?! I didn't hee) well I just had a teensy bit of time to squeeze in and
guess where I went?
That's right! I went- a- Junkin' my friend! Here's what I scored this time:
Awesome suitcases (for my photo props)
Real deer horns (you'll see what I'll do with these :))
and the cherry on top:
Vintage theater seats! Ahhh I could scream. And I did and still do! I took the hubster with me (BIG mistake. He loves junking more than I DO) and he He will refinish and refurbish these and we'll decide then whether to keep them or sell them. I'm sure they'll end up looking fab :)
These were found at the fabulous Bleu Hinge which you can like on facebook here.
These were found at the fabulous Bleu Hinge which you can like on facebook here.
I love featuring all the wonderful vendors and all the time and talent it takes for them to scour the edges of the earth (ok, maybe North Texas) to find all these goodies for me (cough) us. So here for your viewing pleasure are some of the many vendors that were there this past weekend. And if you haven't been? What are you waiting for? Get on over there next month!! You'll find something I promise. Get on their facebook page
ORLY Facebook Page
ORLY Facebook Page
And this week I have been so busy with work and getting back into the swing of things I haven't really had time to decorate my house. I know. GASP!! The boys and I barely put up one tree in the dining room on Tuesday. I have some ideas for my mantle this year and for my white $5 tree.
What have you been up to?
Do you have your tree up yet?