Well I'm being sarcastic. Most of the parents are about pulling out their hair by now, what with having school cancelled for the last 4 DAYS!!
Thankfully my kids (of which I have three but the oldest one doesn't really count since she's 19 and "on her own" *cough*) are spread far apart age wise, so there's not much fighting between them (thank the good LORD!)
Sooo after cleaning out my office, baking the blasted fortune cookies (hee hee, read my post right before this one) and crafting, doing laundry, sleeping, cleaning,planning and then postponing a jewelry party-- I AM READY TO GO BACK TO WORK ON MONDAY.
With that being said, we did get to go out and play for a little while on the ice. My little guy wanted to go outside and "sled on the ice" with a cardboard box after seeing a girl ice skating on the street on the local news.
So I braved the 12 degree weather and bundled us up for the long trek to the front driveway ;)
He had so much fun sliding. I almost fell twice so I wasn't too excited about being out there. But I did it just to see the smile on his frost bitten cheeks (just kidding, no frost bite, that I know of anyways)
Pretty and Fluffy
With his cousin's Flat Stanley
Then we came in and I made us some corn dogs {yep, Patty the Chef they call me}
and some hot chocolate.
I was all set to go to work this morning, Friday, when I looked outside and it had snowed most of the night. YAY another day off from work! My boss texted me that we were closed. You know I really needed this time to "rest" and get some of my things in order.
Fun in the snow and ice in Texas. The Super Bowl is THIS Sunday and with all the crazyness of the weather, roof falling on people, etc, I don't think we'll be hosting again :(
Oh well. I hate football.
But I love being inside all snuggled up. For. A. Short.Time.
I'm craving sunshine :)
Now where's that Groundhog Shadow report???? Did he see it or didn't he???
Stay warm.