Sunday, December 30, 2012


How was your Christmas? 
Mine was o.k.
I got the flu for Christmas. Nice, huh? 
But hey, I got to see it snow from my bedroom window
so that was NICE.

 I'd say we got about 5 inches and more is 
expected next week ((fingers crossed))


It seems this past month I just couldn't catch a break in regards to my health.
So you bet I'm ready for a new month and a new year.
I have SO many great things planned for this little ole blog and
my photography business. 
It's exciting isn't it?
Making plans, and all.
Anywho, since I've been laid up in bed for the better part of three weeks (first in the hospital with another TIA and then my bedroom-YUCK) I've had way too much time on my iPad
looking up cool apps and websites to share with y'all.
 The first one is Next Issue. This is a little pricey at $24.95 a month but you get to read a lot of magazines on your iPad for that amount and if you're a voracious magazine reader, I think it pays off. They had a sweet deal when I joined - 30 days free, then $7.95 for months two and three. I'm still debating whether I'll keep it after the trial. You can find Next Issue on facebook. Check them out: Next Issue for Ipad
Next, is one I just found today. 
I can now peruse my favorite catalogs and some new ones I'd never checked out before on this free app 
you can even dogear the pages. Cool huh?
The next one is Gas Buddy. You simply punch in your zip code and it tells you the cheapest gas prices nearest to you.

But now I want to announce the winner of the PYP giveaway:

            Entry #9 jess you are the winner!! I just sent you an email so please contact me with your shipping info so I can send it in to the good folks at Pick Your Plum.
And for everyone else, don't forget to visit my link on the right hand side there>>>>> and sign up with them so you can get in on some AWESOME deals. Also, go to their facebook page and like them. You won't regret it.
Please, don't forget to enter my Memories Digital Scrapbooking software going on now. 
I have extended the deadline to one more week because I've been sick and I want to show you guys some awesome layouts I'll be working on. It's serioulsy awesome!!
You can even make your own calendars.
I'm serious. Nobody has entered this giveaway -yet!!
I'll be back to share more with you all sweets, as soon as I get to feeling 100%.
In the mean time
Feliz Año!!


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