The past week was a busy one for us. We decorated the inside of our home and now all that's left is the outside. We are busy planning our Church's Christmas party. We are having a Mexican dinner complete with grilled fajitas, courtesy of my husband, homemade salsa (again Sergio) and all the fixins! We have been busy trying to get the best price for the beef and Sergio has finally done it. We got a good deal at Sam's and Sergio is slated to go by there tomorrow to pick it up. So this week is going to be busy as well. Whew!
But back to LAST week. We took Aaron to Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children to the Dyslexia center for an evaluation. We are so thankful that he got accepted to this wonderful hospital. They treated us like kings, especially Aaron. We spent the nite at a nearby hotel b/c the drive from our town into the Downtown Dallas Area would have been a nightmare since his appt. was at 8:30 a.m.!
I am so glad we did book a room, b/c that day it was snowing!! We watched all the traffic mayhem from the comfort of our hotel room, all cozied up in bed :D
Then we went down to the hotel restaurant to have a nice breakfast. The hospital is located just 5 minutes from the hotel so we didn't have to worry about the traffic. NICE! We got a really, really good rate for the location and the hotel was really nice. Heavenly Father was with us that day ;)
Aaron enjoyed going there and getting evaluated. The doctors and staff loved him and told us what a sweet guy he is and how funny he is! (This has become a common denominator on everyone who knows Aaron=funny)
At break time, we took him downstairs to see the beautiful, gigantic Christmas tree decorated with stuffed bears. We also got him some fresh popcorn to snack on.
Then we drove home, but first we stopped at the Mall for lunch. We wanted our little guy to enjoy his day and to let him know just how special his mom and dad think he is.
Aaron has been struggling with his reading for the past two years and we think he has either a learning disability or dyslexia (like his dad). His self esteem was suffering last year when he noticed all the other kids reading better and better than him. He would often come home and say "Mom, why am I a dummy?" or "I am stupid, 'cause I can't read". Which of course would break my heart. Thank goodness we decided to let him move on to 2nd grade where he is thriving thanks to a supportive teacher.
So now we wait for our follow up next month. We are praying it won't be that early in the day, and that it won't be snowing ;)
My thoughts and prayers will be with you... my dear