Monday, October 26, 2009

She's all grown up

Falling in love
Ellison and Bob
A Sweet 5 year old

Well the day finally came and went: My sweet little girl is now an adult. How did this happen? I remember taking her trick or treating as a little girl, where she dressed up as a dalmatian, cowgirl, Mulan, and many more outfits. I truly miss having a little girl. But you know what's best? Having a young woman to talk to. I love listening to Ellison's stories, and about what went on that day at school. I love to listen to all her hopes and dreams and know that she will accomplish anything. What a sweet ride this has been so far, being her mom. From the first day I saw her I was in love with the chubby little baby girl with the huge hazel eyes and shock of dark hair. From the day she could hold a pencil she was drawing. And drawing and drawing. I always knew she'd grow up to be an artist. Sergio and I encouraged her to draw and express herself with the written word. Many nights you could find Sergio and Ellison sitting at the kitchen table, in our little apartment in Carrollton, drawing. She takes after her father the most in the drawing department. Although I am an artist too, Sergio is better hands down.
For her birthday she asked for only two things: to have a "few" friends over and for a drawing tablet. I had to go online and research the best tablets that were also reasonably priced. I found her a WACOM one that is touch and pen. She loves it! I am so happy to have my little Ellison all grown up and can't wait to see how she evolves from a young woman into a woman, mother and wife. Sergio and I have been truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to raise such a caring individual.

Saturday night was her party. Here's a few pics of her and her friends having fun. Having these teenagers around made me feel 20 years younger! We all had a good time.
I am glad she chooses good people to hang around with.
So Happy 18th Ellison, and here's to many more adventures together.

Beating the tar out of PO

Making Smores...ha ha Ellison and Parke look funny

Make a wish!!!

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  1. Happy Birthday Ellison. Give mom lots of hugs, us moms don't like it when our babies grow up. Looks the party was lots of fun! You were as beautiful as a baby as you are now. Keep being fabulous.

  2. I love the Fall background, too cute!


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